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This is the shareware (evaluation) version of Integrity Master(tm)
(Version 2.01b). It will run on any PC with at least 250K free memory
and DOS 2.0 or later. A hard disk is recommended. Registration is $35
plus shipping and handling. Please upload or share Integrity Master
with your friends, but keep all these files together. Read file
HISTORY.DOC to learn what's new with this release and read or print
file ORDER.DOC for a complete list of agents.
| To get started, just type SETUPIM and hit ENTER. You don't need to |
| read the documentation first! SetupIM contains a tutorial to tell |
| you all you need to get started. Please read I-M.DOC later (use the |
| command: IMVIEW I-M.DOC or IMPRINT I-M.DOC) after you have completed |
| SetupIM and used IM for a while. READ THIS FILE (README.DOC) TO |
(We frequently refer to Integrity Master by its nickname, "IM")
Once you install Integrity Master, there will be only two files you
absolutely need to use Integrity Master:
IM.EXE - Integrity Master itself
IM.PRM - The parameter file which controls how IM works
- This file is created by SETUPIM.EXE
If you want to reinstall IM, or change advanced features of IM, you will need:
SETUPIM.EXE - The setup and install program (It creates and updates IM.PRM)
When you install IM, SetupIM will create file:
IMPROC.TXT - Complete instructions to finish install and run IM
IM.PRM - The parameter file (all option settings are stored here)
IMCONFIG.SYS - Sample CONFIG.SYS file for floppies (optional)
When you run (initialize) IM, it will create integrity data files. These
files will be called ")(.ID" unless you use SetupIM to select a new
name. These files contain the integrity data describing your files. Files:
BOOT.SID, BOOT.SRL, PART.SID and PART.SRL contain system sector integrity
(.SID) and reload (.SRL) information.
The following files are provided as additional aids but are not required
to use or modify Integrity Master:
3YEAR.DOC ---- Special three year virus and data integrity update offer
DESCRIBE.DOC - Contains short descriptions of IM for BBS and vendor use
IMCHECK.EXE -- Supplemental stand-alone integrity check program
IMPRINT.BAT -- Batch file to print files. Syntax: "IMPRINT filename"
IMVIEW.COM --- File viewer program. Syntax: "IMVIEW filename"
OMBUDSMN.ASP Information of how to contact the ASP ombudsman for help with
resolving a problem with an ASP member
ORDER.DOC ---- Complete information on how to license Integrity Master
order form for IM
QUANTITY.DOC - Table of discounts for licensing multiple copies of IM
README.DOC --- Contains latest information concerning IM
Read this for documentation on the latest changes.
SUPPORT.DOC -- How to contact Stiller Research for product support and help
SYSOP.DOC -- How to post Integrity Master on a BBS and info for BBS SYSOP
VENDOR.DOC --- Distribution requirements for disk vendors and clubs
VIRREP.DOC --- How to report a virus attack
If you downloaded your copy of Integrity Master, the following files may be
included as part of a separate archive file:
README2.DOC - This file is present ONLY when there are two sets of files
to download.
DISKHELP.TXT - Contains information to help with accessing disk drives
GENVIR.EXE -- Execute this program to create SAMPVIR.BIN a fake test virus
HISTORY.DOC -- List of versions and changes made to Integrity Master
I-M.DOC ------ Documentation file for IM and information on data integrity
QUESTION.TXT - Enter "IMVIEW QUESTION" to see common questions and answers
VTEXT.DOC --- List of viruses IM identifies by name
The following optional files may or may not be present:
FILE_ID.DIZ -- Description file for PCboard, Wildcat other BBSes.
DESC.SDI --- Another short description
The latest version of Integrity Master can be obtained from these sources:
o Download from CompuServe in IBMSYS and ZNT:TIPS (one of the
Ziff-Net, PC Magazine forums) file I-MAST.ZIP.
o First time callers can download and get support for Integrity Master
from Wingit! (1-904-386-8693). For really fast access, you can log on
as user: "Integrity Master" (without the quotes) and you will
immediately be offered the download.
o We offer free downloads and support for Integrity Master on Solitude BBS
(Fido 1:300/23) (1-602-747-5236 - all speeds). FIDO users can also
freq it from this BBS. The file name will be: I-M###.ZIP where ### is
the current version number (e.g., I-M201.ZIP for V2.01).
o Free downloads of Integrity Master and support are also available via
the Runway BBS. You must join Conference 77.
Runway BBS:
215-623-6203 2400
215-623-9462 v.32
215-623-4897 HST
o In the UK, Integrity Master is supported by The Farm BBS UK. 9 nodes
Dual Standard HST. 7.2gb 0223 208094/208472/208363/208525/208598/208287.
o In the UK, The Shareware Support BBS (0442) 890807 HST-DS. We provide
support and downloads via conference 10 - "Runway Link"
o Any major shareware diskette vendor should have a current copy of Integrity
Master. All ASP affiliated disk vendors automatically get new copies.
If you have been using a prior release of Integrity Master, please read
the HISTORY.DOC file to see what has changed since your version.
IM can now check your CMOS for changes and restore if necessary. IM
supports all sizes of CMOS and will describe exactly what has changed for
base CMOS changes. Run the "CMOS" option on the Initialize menu to get
IM can now check your files without necessarily updating the integrity
data to reflect the changed file. Use the "Integrity Update" option on
the "Options" menu to activate this. IM can even ask you on a file by
file basis to determine what to do.
IM is now easier to use to scan BBS uploads since it will ignore "*.*"
style parameters (e.g. "IM *.*" or "IM D:\VIR\*.EXE *.COM").
IM now has an option to scan the current and all lower directories
from the current subdirectory for known viruses. The new command
line switch for this is "/VL".
Integrity Master provides automatic international time and date support
plus you can override the date and time format by using SetupIM.
IMCHECK now provides some of the advanced directory information checking
previously only done by IM itself. IMcheck will display dates in either
numeric form or with alphabetic months. An even more advanced version
of IMcheck comes with the registered version of IM.
Some other anti-virus products contain fragments of unencrypted viruses.
If you get an indication of a known virus in another product, do not
be too alarmed. In one case, IM will only report this if you ask it
to check all files. In this case it will check a file for viruses which
would not normally infect that type of file. If you have an anti-virus
product in the form of an .EXE file which is infected by a virus which
only infects .COM files, it's probably a false alarm.